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Account reconciliation

Robert Platt

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Windows 10

MoneyLine Plus V 2.05

Same issue

Purchased this product.  Doesn't download transactions.  No help from support... spent an hour on the phone with the bank but they have no error messages as the program is not even connecting.  Tried to reconcile but after the first successful attempt that stopped working.  So disappointed. Should have stayed with Quicken.  

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Wow, looks like there is a response by the company about once every couple years on this topic.  Not encouraging.  My wife would simply like to be able to establish the beginning balance for the reconciliation.  As it stands, the software asks for a date, but then it creates a beginning balance - and who knows how it figures that, because it is usually wrong.  We think it's because some transactions take place on that date, but then they actually process through at the same time.  So, are there any company monitors out there that can tell us how to set the beginning balance or how to control how the software chooses the beginning balance so we can modify it?  


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  • 8 months later...

I have been doing accounting for 45 years and cannot reconcile this 2nd month of my bank statement!  I want my money back now!  I have spent 2 days trying to figure out what the problem is that I am off by $892.83 from the reconciled amount.  I don't have time for this nonsense.  Registration code 4192955-zkskcsex.

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  • 3 months later...

I just began using Money Line.  I have been doing electronic books since the 1980's.  It seems in the last 10 years, every program functions just a bit different than the others.  I have figured out how to get this program to do what I need it to do except for reconciliation.  Instead of bring forth the balance from the last reconciliation, it brings forth the balance from the previous months check register.  This does not allow a proper reconciliation!  So the reconciliation is not available on a monthly basis.  I cannot spend time trying to figure out how to get around the bug in this reconciliation process.  For this old bookkeeper, this program is flawed and not worth having unless the reconciliation process works properly.  From what I have read this has been going on for some time, so it looks like I am going to have to look elsewhere.

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  • 9 months later...

BookinBarb seems to be accurate with the problem in reconciliation of accounts. I have been using MoneyLine about 2 months and had no issues with the first reconciliation but the second month was a bear.  I tried adjusting the last reconciliation date but the opening balance changed to the balance recorded in the register on that date which is not the closing balance from the prior month reconciliation. No way to enter that balance which would solve the problem.

But I determined the unsolveable issue came with uncleared items remaining from the prior reconciliation period that pre-dated some cleared items.  I forced the reconciliation by doing two reconciliations - one of items that had not cleared from the prior month and one for new items after that reconciliation.  The result cleared all the items and didn't require an adjusting entry.

Way more complicated than it should be.  Keeping the closing balance from prior reconciliation seems so simple and logical.

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  • 2 months later...

I am using 2.04 on Windows 10 and when the balance for the month matches that in the statement but the reconciliation process gives a message that I need a balancing entry for the amount of the first transaction entered. Accepting that throws it into an actual error.

How can I undo the balancing error?

I too have deleted my entries and re-entered them, to no avail. I don't want to have to delete the newly input set because I can't get rid of the crazy balancing adjustment! Please help.

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  • 2 years later...

Here it is, 2023 and this still isn't fixed. After several months of successful reconcilations, I too had to unreconcile and make a correction. And, although the balance is correct in money line, I could not reconcile again. After tearing my hair out thinking I was doing something wrong, I unreconciled every transaction, reconciled them all back, changed the beginning balance to the actual beginning balance and I was able to reconcile. It seems that if you go back and change a transaction that has already been reconciled, you'll never be able to reconcile again. I'd love to know how the system is calculating reconciled transactions from one period to the next. Is it including the transaction that I unreconciled, then reconciled as reconciled only? I can't figure it out. So, I too have stopped using the reconcile function.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say it's probably unfixable without a major code re-write, and with the number of programs they churn out and have to maintain this problem is probably not even on the to-do list. I gave up and used GnuCash, google it. You get regular updates and fixes too, and people actually respond to questions, and it is free! Never looked back.

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  • 2 months later...

I am having the same problem with RECONCILLATION.  It can't remember the closing balance to be used next month for the opening balan

On 6/25/2013 at 5:49 PM, Robert Platt said:

I just started using "Moneyline" yesterday. I decided to input retroactive to Jan, 1 of this year. After building my accounts and Payees, I input transactions directly from the bank statements. Everything went fine and the first month reconciled immediately and perfectly. Huzzah! Not so much for Feb. The running account Bal is dead on to the penny but it freaks when reconciling. I've had to undo it manually. A real pain. On the opening reconciliation pop-up It asks for the Statement Date & Bal which I assume is the ENDING Bal. and ENDING date. However, it keeps coming up as the opening Bal. when the reconciliation screen opens. Down hill from there. Got any ideas?


P.S: After reconciling the Jan statement, all the line items switched to "R" and the boxes stayed checked.

ce.  Please fix!!

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  • 2 months later...

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