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Clip repeating multiple times during fade to black


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I've looked at all the forum thread titles and couldn't find anything that described this issue, apologies if it has been answered.

Like many people, I like to fade to black at the end of my videos and have done it before on videopad, on the same computer with no issues. In my current project however, during the fade a short section of the clip repeats over and over until the screen is black. I've tried it using the simple 'fade' and also as a 'crossfade' to a blank black clip just in case but it makes no difference. I can't understand why this is happening and it makes my video look rubbish.

Has anyone else had this issue and if so, is there a way around it??

Thank you.

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I like to fade to black at the end of my videos and have done it before on videopad, on the same computer with no issues. In my current project however, during the fade a short section of the clip repeats over and over until the screen is blackubbish.

Has anyone else had this issue and if so, is there a way around it??


Try the method outlined in the Fade transition not working in exported video thread.

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If you want a perfect fade out to black (using VP3.02) then remove any fade-out effects from your final clip that you may have already tried..

Add your black frame to the overlay track (video track 2). Adjust it to a suitable length.

Now drag it along so that it extends beyond the end of your last clip on video track 1 but overlaps it by 3-4 seconds.

If you want a longer fadeout overlap it more.

Click the yellow star on the black frame.

In the video effects window which appears, drag the Opacity slider to the left (0% opacity) The blue line on the right will drop to the bottom of its' box. At this point the whole of the black frame will be transparent.


Now click the blue line exactly at the start point. This will fix the line at 0% and leave a red marker. (You are setting a keyframe)

Click the blue line once again a little distance along to the right and drag the line up to the top of the box so producing 100% opacity after say, 3 seconds. (judge by the time scale along the top.)

You can drag the attachment point left or right for adjustment. (If when you've played the sequence you don't get it just right first time you can easily re-adjust it)

When you release the cursor you will be left with a green marker (keyframe 2) The opacity of your black frame will change from 0% (transparent) to 100% opacity between keyframe 1 and keyframe 2)



When you play the end of your sequence now you will see a fade out to black. If your last clip fades and disappears suddenly before the fade out is complete either increase the overlap or shorten the diagonal in the opacity effects line.


Hope this helps



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Hi there, thanks for the advice! :)

Yes, the opacity method worked great.

I would also add, for anyone else who might try it, that there has to be a blank clip at the end to fade into, as with crossfade - but if you are 'fading IN' to a clip from a blank one, the opacity has to be lowered not on the end of the blank clip, but on the beginning of the one you are fading into.

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Yes, the opacity method worked great.

I would also add, for anyone else who might try it, that there has to be a blank clip at the end to fade into, as with crossfade - but if you are 'fading IN' to a clip from a blank one, the opacity has to be lowered not on the end of the blank clip, but on the beginning of the one you are fading into.


Glad it worked for you!

Yet no blank clip is needed, either fore or aft. And it makes no difference whether the fade out is applied to a clip that's in the middle of a sequence or to the end of the last clip.

Just confirmed, using the method that I outline here.

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Hi Borate


Your method is simpler and just as effective.:-) I just hadn't noticed that "Opacity" was available for the main sequence clip as in 3.02 when trying it out I'd only used the "Fade" transition. With the multiple video tracks now available, using an overlapping black frame with the opacity setting just seemed intuative, particularly after the discussions regarding the faulty crossfade. Just goes to show there is often another way around a problem!


In this particular case though, using the black frame on the second track does allow the user to extend the black duration without having to use up the main clip by fading earlier. At the same time, having tried your suggestion out with a longer main track clip, it's more difficult to accurately get the first keyframe positioned as the scale on the blue line is so compressed. By adding a black frame of say 10 seconds duration, (easily set up under options), the time scale along the opacity line box for this is much easier to read and you can start the fade out (or fade in of the black frame as it really is) with more precision.




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