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Why Can't IE load any slide show I make in VideoPad?


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Hi All -- my first post. I love this program.

I was just ready to purchase the Pro version of VideoPad when a client I'd just did a slideshow for came back to me nothing worked in IE -- at all. I even tried rendering the same file at about 1/8th the size of previous one and that did not work either. I have several people checking, all same results. While IE does not have a Flash plugin, each has a Flash player installed. So I am tearing my hair out to solve this problem. The code I am using in the index.html I have generated in Dreamweaver MX, selecting either Shockwave or Flash - which I am told is not that great a difference; in fact comparing the code is practically the same thing.


I also realizes there are variables in a person's local memory which the browser uses -- but most of my testors have new machines. I have 4GB of RAM and cannot make it work in IE as well. I have searched your knowledge-base but have not found other complaints. Surely I am not crazy here?


Help, please



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Hi All -- my first post. I love this program.

I was just ready to purchase the Pro version of VideoPad when a client I'd just did a slideshow for came back to me nothing worked in IE -- at all. I even tried rendering the same file at about 1/8th the size of previous one and that did not work either. I have several people checking, all same results. While IE does not have a Flash plugin, each has a Flash player installed. So I am tearing my hair out to solve this problem. The code I am using in the index.html I have generated in Dreamweaver MX, selecting either Shockwave or Flash - which I am told is not that great a difference; in fact comparing the code is practically the same thing.


I also realizes there are variables in a person's local memory which the browser uses -- but most of my testors have new machines. I have 4GB of RAM and cannot make it work in IE as well. I have searched your knowledge-base but have not found other complaints. Surely I am not crazy here?


Help, please




Hello???? Anyone from the company on this forum? Please tell me what I am doing wrong (or not doing right) so I can purchase your software. Thanks.

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In what format are you outputting your slideshow?


I assume you are using the Utube default which will will be .flv format. However, I am not sure how this plays in IE. However you can easily change the output by clicking the File format button. If you use mpg, avi or .asf you might have more success.


The following html code is for a very simple basic page that uses a single 1 col x 1 row table containing an .asf video (or .avi or mpeg xvid) called SHORT VIDEO.


The video being stored on the PC here...

C:/Users/NS/Desktop/ASF/SHORT VIDEO.asf"





<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">

<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">

<title>New Page 1</title>





<div align="center">


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="800">



<p align="center"><img border="0" dynsrc="file:///C:/Users/NS/Desktop/ASF/SHORT VIDEO.asf" start="fileopen"></td>










Obviously you can add controls instead of using start="fileopen" or use a separate page with links etc.


Hope this helps.




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