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Item Code


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So here's the problem. For my service, I cant always use the same predetermined item codes for invoicing my items. I often need to type out the services I have done and each job is very different in my business.

Example: Trimmed the trees off of roofline and around pool.

Example: Dug out bush next to irrigation valves that were causing a leak.


It always asks for an item code and wont let me create an invoice without one. I have to pick an item code I created previously, which also ties to insert a price for that, then will remove anything I already typed in, etc etc etc.

Makes things seem glitchy, hard to use, and so on.


Are there any options for removing this from my invoices, or disabling it?

Thank you, I have gone through the help section, searched the forums, and checked the options menu also.

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Hi. Here are your options. You can free-form type into your invoice item description box whatever you like for a line item. When you go to record the invoice, the software will prompt you that the item does not exist, and ask if you would like to create it in the items database. If you say "No" - then your invoice will appear exactly as you entered it - no item code, custom description and price, but it will not be written to the item db as an available item for future reference. If you say "yes" when prompted to create an item, then yes, you must absolutely enter an item code as that is the index for that table. These are your choices - no current workarounds that I can think of or have heard of...hope this helps and that I am understanding your issue correctly. DJ

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  • 2 years later...

Hello DJ. I'm having the same issue with item codes. Our jobs are always different and it takes too long to come up with a new item code every time I fill in the description.


You said,

"When you go to record the invoice, the software will prompt you that the item does not exist, and ask if you would like to create it in the items database."

Well this prompt doesn't exist in my version of Express Invoice. It only requires I enter a unique item code. If there's no way to avoid it, I have to find different invoicing software. I really like Express Invoice aside from that, please help me!

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  • 1 month later...

It is interesting that you replied to this post from 2010! I have the same issue and created a new thread about it since I did not see this old one. When I enter an item and then need to enter a serial number in the description field below the item I get the same issue. There is no option that asks to create or not create the item, simply the message stating that I need to enter an item code. If the software did what the post from 2010 says then the problem would be solved! Very frustrating that this simple function is not available... enter a comment into an unused description line item. If anyone finds a solution, please post here or in my thread named: Enter serial number comment below an item

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  • 2 months later...

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