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Accessing done files from FTP


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These are the bits I've done:

- Set up ES to work with FTP

- Dropped some test files onto the FTP server

- Sync ES with FTP server

- ES syncs and correctly shows the files

- Typed the files (in the ES window) and then clicked "Done"


Expected to find a text file deposited on the FTP server containing the text - not the case

Expected my original files deleted from off the server - this was the case


There were a couple of .sta files but these were "dispatch notes".


Please could you advise what ES has done with the typed text and what needs to be done to close the workflow effectively.


Many thanks


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Please could you advise what ES has done with the typed text and what needs to be done to close the workflow effectively.

"Done" just moves the dictation out of the current list - use "Recover old dictation(s)" to get them back. If you want to send the transcript to someone then you should use "Dispatch" instead of "Done".

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"Done" just moves the dictation out of the current list - use "Recover old dictation(s)" to get them back. If you want to send the transcript to someone then you should use "Dispatch" instead of "Done".


-- I did kind of think that there was an option to automatically upload them back onto the server from whence they came but marked in such a fashion that ES didn't bring them down again. I guess I can see now that the receiving of the files is a one way street.


-- So using "Dispatch" kicks in the email window that then ties into whatever email program the person has in op ??

Is email then only way to dispatch the text files or is there a way (other than stick) that avoids the email prog. It just seemed to me another cog in the wheel.




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So using "Dispatch" kicks in the email window that then ties into whatever email program the person has in op ??

Express Scribe can send email in one of three ways:

  • By asking your default email client program to send the email.
  • By contacting an email server directly.
  • By impersonating an email server.

Is email then only way to dispatch the text files or is there a way (other than stick) that avoids the email prog. It just seemed to me another cog in the wheel.

You could use an Express Delegate server. Recordings can be uploaded to Express Delegate using any of several methods:

  • Directly from Express Dictate.
  • From a web browser.
  • By configuring the automatic load feature to load from a shared folder or FTP server.

Express Scribe can then download the recording directly from Express Delegate. When you "Dispatch" the matching transcript, it's uploaded back to the Express Delegate server.

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