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voice file starts over towards the end of the file


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I am having a problem with Express Scribe beginning over towards the end of a dictation which prevents me from finishing a transcription report. I had this trouble about a week ago and was able to resolve it. I am doing the same things that I tried last week with no success. I will try to explain some of the things that I have tried.


1) I exited out of Express Scribe. I reentered Express Scribe and the file still started over.

2) I have deleted the voice file and downloaded it again without success.

3) I have deleted the voice file. I then uninstalled and reinstalled Express Scribe. I downloaded the voice file again and the file still started over at the same place.

4) I have deleted the voice file. I then repaired Express Scribe. I then downloaded the voice file again without success.

5) I have deleted the voice file. I then repaired Express Scribe. I restarted my computer and downloaded the voice file and it still started over towards the end of the report.

5) I have deleted the voice file. I then uninstalled and reinstalled Express Scribe. I restarted my computer. I downloaded the voice file again without success.


Any ideas?



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I am having a problem with Express Scribe beginning over towards the end of a dictation which prevents me from finishing a transcription report.

Do you mean you can't move the playback position slider to the beginning of the file?


Is it only happening with one particular file?

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No. I can move the playback position slider to the beginning of the file. What is happening is that I get near the end of the dictation and it starts over. It shows something like 4:52.5, but it is playing the dictation from 0:00.0 on over again. Therefore, rather than hearing the Plan portion of the SOAP notes I am transcribing, I begin hearing patient information again.


I am not sure if it is a coincidence or not, but it always happens with the same PAs files that are over 5 minutes in length. Furthermore, the starting over happens shortly before the 5 minute mark of each problem voice file.

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No. I can move the playback position slider to the beginning of the file. What is happening is that I get near the end of the dictation and it starts over. It shows something like 4:52.5, but it is playing the dictation from 0:00.0 on over again.

What version of Scribe are you using?

What file format are the files in?

Do you know how large the original files are?

How many channels do the files have?

How are you loading the files into Scribe? (eg. Automatic incoming from FTP?)

Do you have an example of a file (that doesn't contain sensitive information) that you'd be prepared to send to us?

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  • 6 months later...

I have had similar problems with dictation repeating. For example, dictation which shows 12.11 will play about 6 or so pts & then will repeat the dication again from the beginning until the 12.11 time runs out. Using the slide bar to move around within the dictation does not help. My boss sends his dictation to me via e-mail & drops a "copy" in a Dictation folder on our server. I have even tried reloading the dictation from the second source, the dictation folder on the server. That dictation does the very same thing.

Is this problem occurring during dictation OR transcription? I thought the transcription program only transcribed; it could not overwrite or otherwise manipulate the dictation.

If it IS being caused during dictation &/or file transfer, how do I keep my boss from doing it again (& again & again)?

If it caused during transcription, what am I doing to cause it & how do I go about NOT suffering from "operator error" again?? Thanks

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I am having the same issues that you are having. It's been happening all day. In fact, a few times when I have stopped and walked away and then come back to finish a report it will have either gone back to 0:00 or will be minutes beyond where I left off. Now it is to the point that it is literally jumping back and forth in time and not allowing me to continue smooth playback. It's driving me nuts! Any suggestions from anyone? I too have deleted the files and re-uploaded them to no avail. This new Express Scribe has given me nothing but grief. I want the old E-Scribe back!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What version of Scribe are you using?


I'm using Express Scribe 4.23; my boss is using SpeechExec

Pro Dictate 5.0.


What file format are the files in?


The file's properties say it's an "Express Scribe Dictation File."


Do you know how large the original files are?


Average size is from 500 - 2,000 KB.


How many channels do the files have?


I have no idea what that means.


How are you loading the files into Scribe? (eg. Automatic incoming from FTP?)


I either double click on the file from the incoming e-mail or double click on the copy placed in the "dictation" folder on our server. Double clicking on either source causes Express Scribe to be the top window & the dictation then shows in the Express Scribe main window.


What does "pts" mean?


From years of doing standard dictation, I refer the counting mechanism as counting off "points." In certain formats, these refer to minutes of dictation. So, 15 pts would be 15 minutes of dictation.


Do you have an example of a file (that doesn't contain sensitive information) that you'd be prepared to send to us?


I don't know if I was able to save the problem dictation. I'll have to look to see if I still have it.

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