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Express Scribe (v4.27) and Word Templates


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I'm trying to make our workflow a little more simplified (especially now with the new version of Express Delegate). Is it possible to link in some of the dictation information into Word using fields? For example, instead of the transcriptionists having to type in the dictator's name in a field, can this be populated automatically somehow? And if so, where do I find a list of these fields? I have looked in the help files and found nothing - so maybe this is a feature request =) LOL


EDIT -- Is there a way to upload the transcribed document to the new Express Delegate via a "Send" button in v4.27? If not, I guess this makes my second feature request as this would be an invaluable time saver for the typists!




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Is it possible to link in some of the dictation information into Word using fields? For example, instead of the transcriptionists having to type in the dictator's name in a field, can this be populated automatically somehow?

It is possible to set-up system-wide hot-keys for copying some dictation details (current playback position, sender name, sender email, etc.) to the clipboard, but I couldn't get them all to work in v4.27. A bug maybe?


Is there a way to upload the transcribed document to the new Express Delegate via a "Send" button in v4.27?

Selecting Dispatch from the menu, or the tool-bar button with the "Send the typed work and mark the file as done" tool-tip, will upload the transcript to the Express Delegate server if the dictation was downloaded from Delegate. You'll get a dialog asking if you want to upload the notes or an attachment. If you've been typing in Word then your transcript should be in the dictation attachments.

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