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Posts posted by Nationalsolo

  1. Hi

    I think you are almost there....

    • Drag the clip to Track 1
    • Click FX and select Stretch to Aspect Ratio from the Aspect Ration and Transform section
    • Select an AR of 16:9  This will stretch the clip horizontally to fill the frame
    • Add the Blur effect
    • Drag the same clip from the clip bin and drop it on the overlay track. This should be all you need to do.....



    Export as any 16:9 video.


  2. Hi

    Check out using Templates with Placeholders.  The templates (which are vpj files)  are projects that have a placeholder object added and once saved they can be loaded to an existing open project. In effect you are adding two projects together. The template would be your edit  clip (with placeholder) saved via the Templates tab on the Home toolbar. You can then load your new project and add the template to it.  It's a bit complicated to do  the first time around  but try it out with something simple like 2 - 3 clips and you will be able to grasp the principle.

    Note: These are not the templates mentioned by Borate which are something different but NCH have used the same terminology.


  3. Hi B

    Yes, I've already gathered that, (after all this time :rolleyes: ) but then I've only just realized that the Windows mixer also shows extra volume sliders for VP , VCL , Mozilla and any other audio program that happens to be open. That's what happens when you wear earphones plugged into speakers that have their own volume control!



  4. Hi B

        :)       What do you make of the small loudspeaker button to the right of that volume bar? The popup says "Volume" ..


    Right or left clicking on this doesn't seem to do anything that I can see, but then I am probably missing something as usual. :unsure:



  5. Hi

    The images are separate. and effects added to the 360 image cannot (or should not) affect the 2d image.

    Here is an example...

    • Place the 360 degree image on the timeline.....It will fill the frame  right to left but will be distorted, particularly at the top and bottom..
    • Set image duration to around 10 seconds
    • Click the FX box and add the View in 360 effect.....Now only the central part of the image will fill the frame but the distortion will be corrected
    • You can animate this image using keyframes... e.g. pan in a complete 360 degree circle clockwise around the dolmen.
    • Move the effect cursor red line to the left side of the graph area (start of the clip)
    • Move the View in 360 horizontal slider to the left (-180)
    • Create a keyframe
    • Slide the cursor line to the right side (end of clip)
    • Move the View in 360  horizontal slider to the right (180)
    • The clip will play showing a clockwise pan around the dolmen lasting around 10 seconds.

    Text added to this will appear normal

    • Add the 2D image to the timeline so it follows the 360 degree image. As there will be no effects (unless you add them it will appear and play normally as a 2D image and text will be normal also.


    In your video on YouTube the 2D images ARE distorted but I don't think it's  a VP error. It may be something that has been introduced by YouTube thinking that the whole videois in 360 even the 2D images. If YT is adding the navigating buttons then they are also adding them to the 2D sections

    I think the answer here is not to mix the formats when sending to YT.



  6. Hi Borate

    Managed to solve this eventually. The Mixer for VP volume didn't appear in the Windows display like yours. so the lower volume in VP for clips/mp3 etc was a bit of a puzzle, particularly as the Audio track volume was set to the right at max. I then realized that there was another slider on the right which was  only set around half way. Still messing with this and the loudspeaker icon when the Windows mixer suddenly showed up with the VP mixer now included. I now realize that one is the Track volume and the other is overall volume, (I think) Now clicking the Windows loudspeaker icon to open the mixer only shows one control!  The other three have disappeared. 😃

    Thanks for the hint.  I'll have to play a bit more.



  7. Hi all

    If I play an mp3 in media player or Irfanview the sound is great. If I play an .avi file in WMP the sound is great but once these files have been imported to VP (the avi or the mp3) the volume suddenly goes down even though the PC volume  control has not been altered and the volume slider in VP is fully at the top..


  8. Hi

    "....Can i have both versions 7.02 og 8.39  of VP on the same computer?. ...."

    Loading another version to the same PC (unless it is on a different partition) will overwrite the existing version. So I think the answer is no.

    Unfortunately I can't view your YT example as it seems to be classed as Private.

    I would be interested however if you could up load an example of your 2D and one of your 360 degree photos to dropbox  for us to download and check out


  9. Hi

    It's  true that NCH Photostage can be used to create very simple videos as it will accept both clips and still images but it is primarily conceived to be  a slideshow creator and it will do a really excellent job of this .  If you are familiar with VideoPad then you can imagine the difficulty you would have  working in just the Storyboard mode when you want to create a fully featured video. . The layout is similar  of course, but Photostage , with its single track can't really compare to Videopad when it comes to actual video creation.  Of course  Videopad can be used to create a slideshow, but one might consider that a bit of overkill. It will work (and I have used it in this way many times) but at the end of the day one is for one thing and the other is for something else. You can knock a nail in with a sledgehammer !

    Try them both .


  10. Hi

    Are you saying that the Circle/Rectangle/Position controls....Like this...are also appearing with your exported project?......


      If your are seeing this happen then there is a problem.

    However, it is normal for them to  appear in the project itself during editing.  The Scale/Rotation/Position  controls appear on the Preview Screens as shown above  of overlay clips and images. Being overlays I think NCH see this as a quick way of adjusting the images so they will fit where required over any clip on a lower track without having to invoke the FX for the selected clips.

    They should not export though and also not be seen in copied clips.



  11. Hi

    • Does your video have an associated audio track? If it has and you have dragged and dropped/placed the video on Video track1 then the audio waveform should appear on Audio Track 1
    • if your video is a silent video without an associated track (like an image would be) then you should be able to drop an audio clip from the clip bin onto  Audio Track 1. Can you do this?
    • Unless you have clicked the left end of the any of the tracks or selected a track in some other way, all the options under Menu/Tracks will be greyed out.


  12. Hi

    With a bit of thought you can have  several images on the left to one on the right. (and vice versa)


    Right hand image is Track 1 with a Horizontal 2 split screen

    Left hand images are Track 2; 3 and 4 with a 2x3  grid Split screen

    Scale and Position etc. as Borate suggests to suit the actual clip in each case..

    For AR reasons this is about the useful limit for a screen split in the centre using a 2 x 3 split on the left  but more clips can be used on the left using a 4x4 grid for them......in fact any combination grid that can be divided centrally....


    In fact this uses 9 tracks..1 per clip.


  13. Hi

    Checking earlier versions back as far as VP 4.00, (when the interface was the "Light" style) and then VP 6.00 when it was "Dark" style  . midi files would load and convert to .wav files OK. (Interestingly Photostage also loads .mid files bit leaves them as .mid files)

    VP Version 8.39 will not list .mid files among the Common media Files for loading and even when forced  to to show all files "*"  it will not load them.

    NCH has been notified as to a possible oversight.




  14. Hi

    Thank you.  I'm glad you enjoyed  it.

    It wasn't VP in this case (I'm not sure what program Ten Forward use) but VP can do a very similar job. Needs quite a bit of work to do a lot of clips though. With just a duet you should find it easier.

    It was quite fun to do although everybody found it a bit  queer(and oddly quite hard)  playing to one's  own camera while listening/watching   a video  of our conductor waving her baton to a MIDI file with clicks.:)


  15. Hi

    Absolutely you can do duets...🙂  (I do a lot with two violins and me! 😄)  Even possible with a whole orchestra  ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8QdebxEsT0&feature=youtu.be

    So here is a simple example to try..

    • Place one player on Video track 1
    • Place player 2 on Video Track 2
    • Click the FX for Track 1 and select the Split screen Option
    • Select Horizontal 2 for the layout  (you can alter this later if you need.
    • Place the video in click Box A
    • Click the FX button for Video track 1 and select the Split screen option
    • Select Horizontal 2 for the layaout (You can change this later for a different layout if you want,
    • Click Box B

    Your two videos are now side by side. Setting exist on each of the Split Screen setup windows to move the individual videos up/down/left right in the boxes. The Audio tracks might need matching up so they play together

    You may wish to add a Scale effect to each video to reduce them in size. There are a lot of options available but this should give you a start.

    An alternative method which gives you a little more control is..

    • Add Video 1 to Track 1
    • Add Video 2 to Track 2 (Note for a start Track 2 will cover up track 1)
    • Click the FX for each and Scale them down to a suitable size on the screen (At the start Video 2 will cover up Video 1 but as you reduce it in size track 1 will become visible..
    • You can then move them either with the Scale options (a bit phaffy)  or more easily with the Position effect.

    Doing just this will leave a black background to the sequence. If you want a coloured background (or an image) then push the videos up to a higher track and add a blank clip of the desired colour  (or image) to the now vacant Video track 1.

    Any problems come back here.



  16. Hi

    Example before any formatting in Notepad...



    One you have established the maximum number of  letters you need across the screen (at the font size you have set up) just do a  New Line (Enter) at that point in the long lines....


    You can pretty quickly run down the page "new lining" any long lines to match the earlier ones. remember that each new line produces two subtitle lines.

    Just Save when finished. (Not txt!)


  17. Hi

    Not sure if there is an easy way. Can't see one if there is. You could load the srt file into say, Notepad and then add a new line into the subtitle texts  so they are all a suitable length. (just the long ones. You can do this visually for all the long texts in one session. if you then do a save it remains an srt file. Obviously where you add a new line to shorten the long texts it creates two (or more) subtitle lines in the video.  Have a play and see if that might work.

    Alternatively use the S/T format (All subtitles) option to reduce the font size. Might work.


  18. Hi

    Downloaded several . mts files filmed on Panasonic and Sony cameras and included one that gave problems in earlier versions of VP.

    These all loaded OK to VP 8.39 (Beta); previewed OK  here and transitions between the clips behaved correctly.


  19. Hi

    The Sequence preview and the clip preview play back at a constant 30 fps and there is not a setting to alter this

    You can of course scrub the red cursor line right and left to "speed up" the display which will show the result of all the tracks on the sequence. This can be viewed if required in the undocked sequence preview window. You can do the same action with the sequence Preview window cursor line but note that there isn't a "block" at the top to grab, but you can grab the line which is quite narrow.


  20. Hi

    Never seen that message but both images downloaded OK here. (On second attempt for one of them... perhaps a glitch on the server)

    Images also  loaded OK to version 8.35......

         dd.jpg   ccc.jpg


    Do they load to the clip bin using the Add Files tab?  What happens when you drag and drop them into the clip bin?


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