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Posts posted by nchBen

  1. Hi Zenesz,

    Amplifying an audio file will simply increase the amplitude of the file by a set factor, so any audio which is close to clipping and distorting is likely to be pushed over this limit. This is especially so if your audio contains a large dynamic range of soft parts and loud parts.


    I would suggest using the compressor to reduce the dynamic range of the audio file and then using the normalize function. Let me know if you need more details.




  2. It sounds like the driver installation may have failed for some reason. Could you please try uninstalling and reinstalling Voxal? Please take note of any errors which may show during the installation.



  3. Hi Tim Prosser,

    Generally you shouldn't need to adjust for latency - MixPad should do it for you. But if you are having troubles with your hardware then MixPad allows you to specify an offset. Since this is a manual setting, you may need to experiment with the correct value.


    If you can describe your hardware setup I may be able to give you some suggestions on how to improve it and get better results. As much detail as possible would be great.




  4. Hi boblite,

    SoundTap will automatically create a new recording whenever a stream stops and restarts again. It does not do this based on silence detection as this can be unreliable and cause breaks where there shouldn't be any.


    Some streaming services restart the stream for every track/song they play. Other ones just keep one continuous stream going. I'm not sure why you got two different results from the same source, but it seems like they were using different methods to stream on each occasion.



  5. Hi anotherbreed,

    Thanks for your feedback. I am going to raise both of these items as features to be added for WavePad (the loop points and adding the loop option to the batch converter).

    Thanks again,


  6. Hi HollyCarpenter,

    Voxal can be affected by a combination of hardware and software, so it is difficult to say without testing a specific VOIP client on your specific hardware. Can I start by asking why you suspect Voxal is not working with Curse?



  7. There are two tabs you should check in the Options dialog:

    1. Audio

    This is where you select the playback device

    2. Recording

    This is where you select your input device. There is also a pulldown list here which allows you to select which input of the device to use if your device has more than 1 input. If I remember correctly those Tascam 144s have 2 inputs, so you need to select the correct one.


    Let me know what options you have selected on these tabs.



  8. Hi jup,

    The best program for doing this would be WavePad which can perform an automated set of actions across a selection of files. Generally, the best method of altering the output volume of a collection of music is to 'normalize' them. Using WavePad's 'Batch Converter' you would select all the files you want to process, select the type of operation (normalize) and then specify how you want the new files stored.


    Before doing this I would recommend experimenting with the best normalize settings first on a couple of files only. Once you're happy with the results then you can apply them to all your files.


    You could technically do this in MixPad, although the process would be a bit convoluted as it isn't really designed for batch processing of individual files. You would need to manually load each file separately, apply the normalize process and then output the file.




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