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Everything posted by babaylan

  1. Yeah..i just got one today, I also thought that it has something to do with previous scribe problems, but the sender is already a deleted member, anyway I clicked it as well but immediately closed the newly opened browser and saw at the bottom that it was a link to a pharmaceutical company.
  2. hi...a lot of us indeed had this problem with ES. I personally have tried all the suggestions posted in the forum topics regarding this problem. I switched for awhile to another software and then about a month ago I've installed the ES version 4.05 and the necessary codec and it worked. I think you can dowload this older version somewhere here in the forum, in the ES 4.05 or something forum. Good luck hope it works for you too
  3. hi to all...i think i have tried all the suggestions given here..to no avail. It's really frustrating...my pc's running on XP too. it just won't process anything with a dss extension format. HELP! couldn't even convert the files to wma or to anything. I wonder when will this problem be resolved..[if ever]
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