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Boy, trying to reach a human at Scribe has gotten a lot harder than the promise on my All in One Transcription Kit, which provided an e-mail address for technical help - which now no one answers. And now your website, after having me fill out the page, tells me I can't ask a question. NICE. Really makes me want to buy from you again. PERHAPS you should consider providing enough support that a person like me, an old existing customer, can ask you a simple question so that she can find out what or if she needs to buy to replace what isn't working. Just a thought.


Lately, when I use the foot pedal, many times, there is a long time lag before it begins playing. Meanwhile the sound will bounce in and out for maybe 30 seconds before it plays. I cleaned the foot pedal out, but that didn't solve the problem. Do I need a foot pedal or new software or both? Will any foot pedal do or must it be Scribe's. Tell me what to do so that I can possibly continue to use your product.



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Lately, when I use the foot pedal, many times, there is a long time lag before it begins playing. Meanwhile the sound will bounce in and out for maybe 30 seconds before it plays. I cleaned the foot pedal out, but that didn't solve the problem. Do I need a foot pedal or new software or both? Will any foot pedal do or must it be Scribe's.

Do you get the same sound "bouncing" problem if you use a keyboard shortcut instead of a pedal?

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I have those shortcuts disabled or else they'd interfere with my typing. The only ones I use are F10, F11 and F12.

The normal Play, Rewind, etc. keyboard shortcuts should work if Express Scribe is the active window, regardless of whether you have global hot-keys enabled or not.

We just need to determine if you can reproduce the playback problems using anything other than pedals.

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The normal Play, Rewind, etc. keyboard shortcuts should work if Express Scribe is the active window, regardless of whether you have global hot-keys enabled or not.

We just need to determine if you can reproduce the playback problems using anything other than pedals.


The function that isn't working is the skip back function that when you hit the middle foot pedal, it goes back a few words and then resumes. I cannot find that function in the drop down menu. There's only play and rewind, which is different. And the problem doesn't happen every time either. It's sporadic. I'm thinking it's the foot pedal, but I can't see anything obvious wrong with it on the inside.

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The function that isn't working is the skip back function that when you hit the middle foot pedal, it goes back a few words and then resumes. I cannot find that function in the drop down menu. There's only play and rewind, which is different.

The "Auto backstep on stop" setting in the Playback tab of the Options dialog should behave the same for both keyboard and pedals.


And the problem doesn't happen every time either. It's sporadic. I'm thinking it's the foot pedal, but I can't see anything obvious wrong with it on the inside.

Unless you have access to a spare foot-pedal for testing (even a USB joystick would probably suffice), trying the keyboard short-cuts and experimenting with different dictation files seem like the easiest experiments to narrow down where the problem is.

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The function that isn't working is the skip back function that when you hit the middle foot pedal, it goes back a few words and then resumes. I cannot find that function in the drop down menu. There's only play and rewind, which is different. And the problem doesn't happen every time either. It's sporadic. I'm thinking it's the foot pedal, but I can't see anything obvious wrong with it on the inside.


I don't have anything called Options and don't see any way to play the step back via the keyboard. Are you sure you are thinking about the same software? Mine is All in One, an early version, apparently, though it gives no number. If you know how to make it step back via the keyboard, tell me and I'll try it. Once again, I have F9, F10, F11 as the ONLY keyboard functions since you CAN'T type and edit without use of the other keys, which are in use by court reporting software.

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