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No sound


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I'm working on a project and recently all the sounds suddenly stopped.
My sound is not muted, it's at 100% and I can still see the sound wave.
In the sequence, the video is still playing, but the sound is not playing, even in the preview.
I even imported an mp4 video to insert the sound but the result is the same.
I've reloaded VideoPad twice but the result is the same.

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What version of Videopad is being used?

Open the Windows Volume mixer by right-clicking on the speaker icon at the bottom-right of the window...

image.png  This is Windows 11.   

Confirm that Videopad's slider is at its maximum.  If that's not the problem, please test install this release.

For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee is required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.  If there's an issue, you can always revert.

Come back here with your results.

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  • borate changed the title to No sound (My Problems)

Slider is maxed, and the linked version was installed ... but still no sound? 

What about the volume slider at the left of the audio track... image.png

Is it at the far right?  The speaker should not have a red slash which means it is muted.

Right-click the audio clip on the timeline and confirm that it's not muted there.

Share the project so someone can check it out.  The process is easy, quick and can be done privately.  Just follow these steps...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  Right-click the file and click SHARE. When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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Thanks for sharing.  Audio throughout is solid here.  Try this...

Close Videopad.  Using Windows Explorer (the file manager) delete all files in these two folders.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components"     or the path may be without the (x86)

"C:\Users\<PC Name>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components"

Reinstall Videopad.

If still no audio, that hints at something amiss with your PC.  Try another, if available.

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  • borate changed the title to No sound

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