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Cyclic glow/exposure matched to music beat


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Hello, currently I have to split the video in parts and add glow to each of them, which is highly time consuming. Most of the times I need video to flicker with beats of applied music.

Is there a better way to make glow/exposure light every second, half or so? Thanks for the VideoPad.

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Play the music and press 'J' on each beat, to quickly create splits at the beat points.

Select all the clips <ctrl-a> or select the first, hold down <shift> and select the last.

Add the glow effect and plot a fade... plot.jpg

Click the Replace Effects Chain icon pointed to by the white arrow, above, to apply the effect to all selected clips.

The result..


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  • borate changed the title to Cyclic glow/exposure matched to music beat

Odd.  Try this... https://www.nch.com.au/support/supportcontact.html?software=VideoPad

As for splitting while playing - version 16.09 and later allow that.  Your registration may still be good for those releases.  Ignore any virus warning.

For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee is required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.  If there's an issue, you can always revert.

The current release is here.

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