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Express Invoice on a Mac

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We've recently changed computers from Windows to Mac and I am having issues with Express Invoice.

Firstly, if I download Express Invoice via the website, it won't install once dragged into the applications folder but I can install it via the App Store. However I can't see a way to put in our registration code to upgrade the program? If I click on upgrade and then restore purchase, it says it can't be verified... 

Can anyone help?



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Hi @NorthernCostumeHire


Please open a ticket here: https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

We don't provide details here as it would be available for everyone which will jeopardize your security. Please leave your email address associated with your license (email address you used during the purchase) and we will provide you with the software version covered by your license for Mac and registration instructions including your registration code. Thank you for understanding. 

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