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Express Talk Delay


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How do I fix this horrible delay with Express Talk (latest version)?


Regardless of the three settings (let express talk manage bandwidth use/low bandwidth/high quality) I choose, there is a 0.7 to 0.8 second delay for every minute that passes.


The first minute is fine... Anything after that, you'd better tell your client you'll call them right back on a land line!


Has anyone experienced the same, and if so, other than changing software (because the hard phones work fine for hours), what (if anything) did you do to fix it?


(My bandwidth speed is 12 mb down and 1 mb up)



After 7 minutes... my conversations were overlapping... I'd hear what they said 5 seconds ago as they were replying to what I said 5 seconds before that :(

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Guest nchto

Who is your SIP provider? You could try to sign up for another free provider (and try calling different people) just to confirm that they are not causing the delay and that it is an issue with your Express Talk? Your bandwidth is fine, but if the person you are calling is having bandwidth issues this may be the problem. Also ensure that no other programs are using your Internet at the time you call.

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I think SmOke_N already established the problem is with Express talk since the hard phones (assuming they are SIP phones / connected to an ata) can talk on the same VoIP line for hours without a problem.

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I think SmOke_N already established the problem is with Express talk since the hard phones (assuming they are SIP phones / connected to an ata) can talk on the same VoIP line for hours without a problem.

Yes they are SIP phones... any suggestions? I'm dieing here.

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Exact same experience here in Oregon USA, regardless of SIP provider. IConnectHere, Vonage. and landlines all hear, send, and record the seemingly logarithmic delay. Other softphones, while less feature rich, do not exhibit the same, I'd use SoundTap in conjunction with another softphone for recording, but the sound quality and audio config is a mess in comparison. Just My 2 cents 5th sense, though. :blink:

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I just registered because I am having the exact same problem. Outgoing speech is getting more and more delayed with every minute passing.

I live and work in austria, and have an austrian voip provider with a SIP proxy.


It's just impossible.

The weirdest thing is, it only affects 3 of the 4 computers where Express talk is installed and used.

Is there anything I could try?




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  • 3 months later...

I too am having this issue. I didn't have the problem with my original VOIP provider, but when I switched I started having an issue. I also tried using Axon (made by NCH) and had the issue no matter what VOIP provider I used. I switched to X-lite (much less features) and the problem went away weather I used Axon or not. Now I am forced to abandon Express talk, even though I use all there other software.

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Who is your SIP provider? You could try to sign up for another free provider (and try calling different people) just to confirm that they are not causing the delay and that it is an issue with your Express Talk? Your bandwidth is fine, but if the person you are calling is having bandwidth issues this may be the problem. Also ensure that no other programs are using your Internet at the time you call.


I am having the same problem with CallCentric but only with Express talk. I use MSN Messanger and the CallCentric softphone and don't have the delay problem. I have the new version of Etalk and never used the old version so don't know if that had the problem or not. Seems to me to be an Etalk problem, maybe not.



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  • 10 months later...
I am having the same problem with CallCentric but only with Express talk. I use MSN Messanger and the CallCentric softphone and don't have the delay problem. I have the new version of Etalk and never used the old version so don't know if that had the problem or not. Seems to me to be an Etalk problem, maybe not.




I have exactly the same problem, but in a LAN!!

But I've noticed that this problems occurs only on 2GHz Celerons. There is no problem with Amd Athlons...

I'm using the 3.6 version.

Don't know if it has been corrected in the latest versions, because I see that the record button get stuck in some cases :(

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  • 1 month later...

I am having the same problem with Express Talk with any Sip provider - it doesnt matter - it must be e special Express talk issue. I´m using the following Sip Provider sip01.net4you.net and also sip1.voipbuster.com. After 8 or 9 min the delay on the receiver is very poor - i can hear the participan without problems, but he got´s hard problems understanding me. (delay´s in the area of 10 to 15 seconds!!!)


With the SoftPhone from the Distiributor (http://www.webcalldirect.com) it works perfektly also over long time !!! Also with FritzBox (my wife is talkint to south america and switzerland for more than 2 hours) There are never troubles appeared.


Only with Express talk. I use MSN Messanger and Skype and WebCallc softphone and don't have the delay problem. I remember no problems in the older Verion of Express Talk



Pleas let me be informed when this Problem is fixed. As i can see this Board is not ver good supported from the Software Distributor. So please wake up and help us !!!!



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  • 11 months later...



This ANNOYING bug has been improved a little in version 4.02 !

But it is still there.


Older versions made a conversation impossible already after talking 10 minutes.

The new version increases the delay more slowly.

After an hour talking with Express Talk 4.02 still becomes annoying.


It is obvious that NCH prefers to develop more and more tools instead of fixing the old bugs.

They will see that the clients don't want 30 tools full of bugs.


It would be more intelligent to fix bugs which exist for several years instead of inceasing the long list of low quality tools they offer!



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