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TTS Voice Mystery


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IVM seems to be unable to send more than one different piece of text to the speech synthesis engine at one time from simultaneously running IVM scripts.


Seems to get stuck on whatever it first said. I think the best way to describe is with this simple (but a little long winded) configuration scenario.


With just one OGM that says:


This is line %linenumber%


Set to repeat this 50 times then hangup.


Enable Text To Speech using any installed voice (eg: SAM or a Cepstral Voice).


Set to handle up to 2 lines.


Now call into IVM using VOIP service.


IVM dutifully repeats "This is line zero. This is line zero."


Now place a second call into IVM, while the first call remains active.


IVM says "This is line zero (even though the text on the screen and log both read 'This is line 1')".


Hangup the first call and IVM suddenly switches to correctly saying "This is line one".


Has anybody seen this? I've duplicated the problem on different machines (both XP), using different VOIP services.


Oddly enough, a simultaneous "simulated call" from within IVM correctly says "this is line 999" and has no impact on the problem. So the TTS engine can say "line 999 and line zero at the same time".


Any ideas or experiences with this are much appreciated!

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