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[MENU PREVIEW] options: [PREV] | [NEXT] are not active or selectable v. 12


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     I am not certain if there is anyone who can ssist me in this issue?  I figured it was worth a try, so here it goes:

     Initially, I was using the "TRIAL" version of Express Burn.  I then purchased the "FULL" version in hopes that the issue was contained within the "TRIAL" version.  Unfortunately, the issue is not contained within the "TRIAL"  version.  Here is my issue.

     When I try to create a "MENU" within my DVD project, I encounter a problem with the [MENU PREVIEW] options:  [PREV] and [NEXT] will not become active or clickable, which prevents me from completing the DVD project.  Has anyone encountered this problem and if so, how were you able to rectify it?

     Please reply with some solutions.  I have contacted NCH to see if they cab help me out.

Thank you,

Rik Latour

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