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Help needed: SQLLink Plugin doesn't work, not even in command line


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I have an OGM which calls for the execution of an .exe file (IVM SQLLink plugin).


When I run in command prompt as follows:


c:\...absolutepath1\SQLLINK.exe c:\...absolutepath2\dsn_name "INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ('value1','value2')";


I got the error msg. I have even used the 8-bit folder names for each of those that exceeds 8-bit in the path. I have confirmed the correctness of each of these shortened folder names by navigating in the command prompt (i.e. c:\).


please give pointers as to what to look out for.


thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got feedup trying to get the SQLLINK plugin to work, so I wrote a small consoleapp in visual studio. Works fine and it is easy to modify to your needs. I use it with mysql.


Regards Henrik





Module Module1


Public Sub Main()

On Error GoTo UnexpectedError


Dim streng, strsql, SQL_STRING, DNS_SOURCE As String

Dim arg_liste As Array


streng = ""


For Each arg As String In Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()

streng = streng & ";" & arg

Next arg


arg_liste = Split(streng, ";")


' DNS_SOURCE = arg_liste(1)

SQL_STRING = arg_liste(2)


Dim objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Dim objRs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")






Exit Sub



streng = "FAIL: " & Str$(Err.Number) & "." & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "SQL_STRING:" & SQL_STRING


Exit Sub


End Sub


End Module

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I got feedup trying to get the SQLLINK plugin to work, so I wrote a small consoleapp in visual studio. Works fine and it is easy to modify to your needs. I use it with mysql.


Regards Henrik



Module Module1


Public Sub Main()

On Error GoTo UnexpectedError


Dim streng, strsql, SQL_STRING, DNS_SOURCE As String

Dim arg_liste As Array


streng = ""


For Each arg As String In Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()

streng = streng & ";" & arg

Next arg


arg_liste = Split(streng, ";")


' DNS_SOURCE = arg_liste(1)

SQL_STRING = arg_liste(2)


Dim objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Dim objRs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")






Exit Sub



streng = "FAIL: " & Str$(Err.Number) & "." & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "SQL_STRING:" & SQL_STRING


Exit Sub


End Sub


End Module


Wow, 'Henrik', very generous of you to share your code with all - I'm certain many forumers will appreciate it and find it useful. I, for one though appreciate your good work and geneosity, am in no position as to how to use it. I solved the SQLLink plugin problem by putting the arguments over as many needed line as available (basically one word per line).



Keep it up!

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  • 1 month later...
I solved the SQLLink plugin problem by putting the arguments over as many needed line as available (basically one word per line).


Is it possible that you could post a screenshot of how you got sqllink to work? Did you include quotes on any of your lines? What database are you working with?

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