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Creating Track markers


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I want to assemble a project and then listen to it as a WAV file. No problem there. How can I define tracks within the project so I can jump between tracks while playing in software other than WavePad or from a burned CD? Bookmarks don’t seem to do this.

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@MakubX, I do know how to create bookmarks in WavePad but they do not seem to function as track markers in the final WAV file. I had assumed they would but now need to find out the correct way to create tracks in the file, if there is one.

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7 hours ago, rdeblock said:

@MakubX, I do know how to create bookmarks in WavePad but they do not seem to function as track markers in the final WAV file. I had assumed they would but now need to find out the correct way to create tracks in the file, if there is one.

If I understand you correctly, what you may want to do is keep a copy of the project file/s before actually exporting them into an audio file. It's the only way to get back to your bookmarks (within WavePad).

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@MakubX, I don't think you understand my question. I'm not at all concerned about seeing bookmarks in WavePad. The end product is the WAV file after I have created it in WavePad. After that, I will never reopen in WavePad. I want to be able to burn to a CD or use a Media Player to play the file and have the ability to jump forward and backward between tracks (songs). I have tried creating bookmarks while editing in WavePad but they do not provide the desired functionality in the final Wav file. Is there a way to do what I want and, if so, what is it?

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  • 3 months later...

Hi @rdeblock, for cases like this, you will want to break down the file into several smaller files so that when you burn them onto a CD, they would be separate files and you'd be able to skip from one track to another. You can utilize the bookmark to select the split points, and then use the "Split at Bookmarks" feature which can be accessed under WavePad > Edit tooolbar > Split > Split at Bookmarks.

Let us know if this addresses your concern. Keep in touch!

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@EIB, I'm not burning a CD. I just want a single MP3 file. These are not songs, it is an audiobook and may involve many tracks (depending on the length of tracks). I'd rather not have to use playlist to group them together.

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