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Is it possible to stretch a note in Mixpad?


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Hi, I have recently bought MixPad and have been reading a lot and following a lot of tutorials about it, but there is a bit of information I can't find. I know that there is software where one can stretch a note that came out too short, can one do it in MixPad too? That would really help my recordings and would enable me to finish them a lot faster, without having to record tracks all over again! Thanks! 

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MixPad has the option Stretch or Shrink Clips which can alter the duration of the selected clip without trimming any audio. MixPad will stretch or compress the clip to meet the specified duration. You can also use the Keep Pitch Constant option to avoid changing the pitch of the audio. You can check the following video tutorial for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApJ_CuOY6ro&ab_channel=NCHSoftware

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8 minutes ago, n1x1 said:


MixPad has the option Stretch or Shrink Clips which can alter the duration of the selected clip without trimming any audio. MixPad will stretch or compress the clip to meet the specified duration. You can also use the Keep Pitch Constant option to avoid changing the pitch of the audio. You can check the following video tutorial for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApJ_CuOY6ro&ab_channel=NCHSoftware

Thanks for your reply. I saw that option, but as I sing with a backing track won't that then un-sync the song? I don't need help with the pich, as my pitch is pretty much perfect. But the singing needs to be properly synched with the backing track. It is a pity that there isn't an option to just click on the note and pull it a bit to the right or the left, like you can change how loud a section is. Maybe something they should think about? 

May I also ask you another question... at the end of the song I wrongly shortened the track a bit too much, thinking that I was at the end, but then I found out that I had gone a bit too far, so I though thtat it would be a question of just stretching that bit of silence again, as not to miss out on the last lingering sound, but the only thing is does it copy a bit from elsewhere, hardly audible. With video you can shrink and stretch it and get what was there back, in this case near silence? Would the stretch option work there? Thanks. 

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