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Significant increase of bit rate on video merge


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Hello. Question for experts : Why is it that when I unite/combine two video with a similar bit rate and use default bit rate  on VideoPad the resulting video is always obtained with a much larger bit rate, sometimes multiplication or more? So with one video 1000 kbps and second 1200 kbps the result can be 2000 kbps, 3000kbps or more. Of course, this affects the size of the consequential file which becomes much larger than both video combined. Some clue? Thanks. Imanuel

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  • borate changed the title to Significant increase of bit rate on video merge

That's probably subjective, and may depend upon the how the export is viewed.

If you see no difference, try a lower quality setting, which should result in a smaller file size.

Resolution, too, affects size.  IMO, folks tend to be oversold on very high res video, when lower would look nice on the device being used to display it.

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