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Automate cut and export?


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Hello, I have a very large video file that consists of many 3 sentence dialogs. I want do export each 3 sentence sequence as an own clip. So I have started to put cut marks, see images. I wonder if there is a nch tool or a videopad function that can detect silence automatically and place a cut mark on each third. An then I asked myself, if videopad (or some other app) can take the cut marks from a given file and export each region between two cut marks as an own video sequence? Or would I have to do that manually?

Thanks for tips and help!



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Click the start point on the timeline.  Hold <shift> and click the end point.  Right-click the blue area and Export Selected Region.

Alternatively, place the pointer on the cursor line so there's a double arrow, hold down the left mouse button and drag.

Another approach is to create each clip as a separate sequence.  Then Menu | FILE | EXPORT ALL SEQUENCES can be utilized.

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@borate None of the three suggestions address my questions. Perhaps I have not been clear enough. In my timeline I have cut (split) a very long video at very many points. Now I want to export each sequence between two split marks as a separate sequence. But I don't want to mark each one manually and then export it one-by-one. I want to export all split sequences with one command. Is there a way to do it with Videopad or another nch application?

If not, perhaps there is a way to export the split marks as a text or xml file. Then I could write a little batch file that reads this output and feeds the beginnings and endings to ffmpeg to do the job.

My other question was if there is a way to automatically split a video on every 3rd sequence of (at least 0.5 seconds) silence.


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Unaware of simple options to auto-split at silences or export multiple clips.  Multiple sequences, yes.  This may be about as close as it gets.

Once the sequences are programmed and Export All invoked, a macro can repeatedly press the Create button.

Try a Net search for an app with those capabilities, and file a VideoPad suggestion.

The control file for VideoPad is the VPJ file, which can be examined in Notepad.

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