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video out of sync in MiniPlayer and hidden in main player


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as title suggests, I cant get the video to sync with the sound on the mini player and I cant even see the video on the main screen. can supply screen shots if anyone can help. looks like I must have changed a setting but have gone through and still can't find a correction. anyone had this problem before?


many thanks



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Hi there, which video formats are you having issues with exactly and does it occur to all videos (or of different format) you load?
If this is a new purchase (6 months at least), you could try reinstalling the program and see if the situation improves.

Installer: https://www.nch.com.au/components/essetup.exe

If no joy, best to contact technical support for that: https://www.nch.com.au/support/supportcontact.html (free)

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9 hours ago, MakubX said:

Hi there, which video formats are you having issues with exactly and does it occur to all videos (or of different format) you load?
If this is a new purchase (6 months at least), you could try reinstalling the program and see if the situation improves.

Installer: https://www.nch.com.au/components/essetup.exe

If no joy, best to contact technical support for that: https://www.nch.com.au/support/supportcontact.html (free)

thanks for your reply.

i'm using mp4's and yes, having issues with all. tried uninstalling and reinstalling but strangely the software opened up with the same video I was using before...


will contact support.


have a great day.



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Just in case anybody is having the same issues, this is the response I received

"Hi, this is a known issue and right now our developers are working in order to fix this problem ! Once we have feedback from them, we will get back to you."






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