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having to keep restarting


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I just bought and downloaded Fastfox. It's in my tray at the bottom.

I fill out forms. In these forms I type the same things so I made macros and use Fastfox to fill in parts of the forms.  At the end of each form I hit save and go onto the next. Then to get Fastfox to expand my macro in the new form I have to hit cntrl, alt, space bar to restart it again.

How do I get the expander to stay on form after form after form without having to keep restarting it even though it says it's on in the tray sitting at the bottom.

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Have you tried turning off the option to turn on and off the program?

You may do that by opening FastFox, clicking on Options > FastFox Shortcuts On/Off, and unticking the box to use this shortcut to turn FastFox shortcuts on/off. 

Once you have unticked the box to turn on and off the FastFox shortcuts, you may click on OK to save the changes and test FastFox again. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


On 5/25/2022 at 1:05 PM, Chris75 said:


Have you tried turning off the option to turn on and off the program?

You may do that by opening FastFox, clicking on Options > FastFox Shortcuts On/Off, and unticking the box to use this shortcut to turn FastFox shortcuts on/off. 

Once you have unticked the box to turn on and off the FastFox shortcuts, you may click on OK to save the changes and test FastFox again. 

I have made a lot ot intents and have discovered some issues: when you are entering your data to open an account, say like Netflix, if you try to expand your account data, it doesn´t work. But if you are doing that within a web page, it works. Can anybody give me a hand on this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, a person with NCH after weeks of waiting for them to get back to me said I had to send a video showing the event happening. I said I didn't know how to do that and could she give me instructions. She didn't and/or wouldn't. She kept saying if I bought the support I could get help. I said it should work correctly out of the box and had never worked correctly from the start. So, that's where it ended up. I bought it and it never worked correctly from the start. 

In areas of the form I fill out it won't work. I have to make additional keystrokes like moving my point of keystroke entry up a line or down a line or tab up a line or down a line and then it will prompt the macro to work. But then I have to go back and correct the extra spaces in my work. Waste of time!

I've tried what is in my ability to do. I've worked with macros for 25 years. This is a glitch in the software. VERY DISAPPOINTED IN NCH!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just purchased FastFox v3.01 and have the same problems - I am pretty good at this but it simply does not work anymore and cannot be turned off/on at all. It can't do anything at all. Is there any way to fix this?


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