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Are all sequences loaded at the same time?

Julia Kot

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When I work on 'sequence 2' is 'sequence 1' taking up my laptop's resources? Or is it unloaded for the moment I'm in a different sequence? 

If it uses my laptop's resources I will just close the project and do my sequence 2 in a new project and just import it back to the main project. This way it won't lag as much as working on my main project which is now pretty big and I have a feeling it's causing the lags.

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Video editing is resource intensive, and a gaming class PC is recommended for lengthy, hi-def or complex projects.  Use the 64-bit version.

Your thought is a good one:  Save sequence one, restart VP, Clear Unused Cache Files (OPTIONS | DISK tab), then build sequence two.  Later, import sequence one.  Working on a specific sequence doesn't 'unload' the others.

Another approach, if necessary, is to break up a project into several parts, export each, then import and assemble them for the final export.

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