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Actual 64 bit version of VideoPad


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I upgraded from v8.51 (32 bit) to v10.96 (64 bit). The speed of the 64 bit version (windows) is much higher than the 32 bit version. But v10.96 still has a some of bugs!

I updated to v11.01 64 bit which even has more bugs and is not working correctly. Now v11.03 is out, but I can't find the 64 bit version of it on the site of NCH - and it is slower again than the 64 bit version I had.

Please give advice how to search for and download the 64 bit versions of VideoPad, I can find the 32 bit versions only.

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Specifically, what bugs?

The latest 64-bit version can be found here.

Older releases are here.

For now, suggest that you stick with this version.

There's no mandate to update if what's currently installed is doing the job.  Within six-months of purchase, upgrades are free.

Newest releases can always be test driven, even if unlicensed.  Retain your old installer and registration.

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Hi Borate,

You asked for specification of bugs. One of them persisting on all three 64 bit version I tested (10.96; 11.01; 10.03):
I set start and end. When the cursor is between start and end, the button 'Go to end' and the shortcut [Ctrl]+[End] functions correctly, but the button 'Go to start' and the shortcut [Ctrl]+[Pos1] brings me to the beginning of the whole video and not to the start being set.
This behaviour is independant of the video.

My pc: Intel Core I5-4670T (Haswell) and Intel HD Graphics 4600 (internal), Gigabyte H87N-WIFI, 8 GB ram, 2x SATA SSD 8one for System and cach of VideoPad), one for data. Windows 10 Pro 21H1 (Build 19043.1288).
I use the English version of VideoPad 11.03 (64 bit) because it is newer than the actual German version.
I use the German version of Windows 10 21H1 (Build 19043.1288).

Another bug: VideoPad oftenly crashes partially, that means it is greyed out for some minutes (up to three minutes I observed) but restarts to work afterwards automatically. I found this oftenly during an export is aktive and I continue working in the editor.

There are still other bugs, which you can define as 'feature': I try to elaborate these more precisely next week.

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A bug report has been filed on the HOME button issue.  Thanks.

What you seem to be reporting is that program is not responding.  Rarely seen here.

Under OPTIONS | DISK tab, when starting a new project Clear Unused Cache Files.  Do the same occasionally while editing.

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Congratulations, NCH is fast!
You solved the problem with the “go to start” button in a very short time with v11.05 64bit.

Now I will use this new version and it seems that you solved some other problems from v11.03 64bit at the same time.

Some of the persisting problems can be reproduced safely, others seem to occur accidentally.

Here is another unattended feature that is reproducible:
When you chose an already existing filename for exporting, you get the warning “File already exists: <filename>” and you can activate “overwrite the file” (correct).
If you change the wanted filename to another used name, the warning changes <filename> to the new name (correct).
If you change the wanted filename to an unused name, the warning persists, and you still have the possibility to activate the overwrite – but this makes no sense anymore: confusing. v8.51 32bit I used for a long time was deleting the warning and the activation box correctly.

The same behaviour is true for names that are used by export actually (“filename in use, unable to export: <filename>” (without opportunity to overwrite).

There are some other unattended sporadic features I will have to explore for precise specification.

One sporadic problem: if the cursor is between start and end and you press “next frame” button, sometimes (but not always) the cursor jumps to the end spontaneously. Outside of start to end no jumping occurs.

Another sporadic problem: the preview sometimes is gap-toothed or even is black completely. After playing the preview regenerates.

I will try to explore more precisely to exclude that it is a problem of my installation. I will install v11.05 on my notebook too (unlicensed) to exclude "local problems". It seems not to be video dependent.

I’m happy with this new version 11.05 64bit because of its increased speed with respect to v8.51 32bit.

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The "overwrite the file" warning does persist, though the box cannot be checked, so there's no functional fault.  Click the chevron at the top-right of the VP window to file a bug.  If a source file name is used, the program will refuse to overwrite.  That's as it should be.

Unable to replicate the cursor jump within the selected area.  And when button is held down the frame advance/retard works smoothly.

Haven't spotted an issue with PV blanking.  Please share a screenshot, video or the project itself if it persists.

The process is easy, quick and can be done privately.  Just follow these steps...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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