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What limiting factor in my computer is causing Slowdown and freezing of Videopad?


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What limiting factor in my computer is causing Slowdown and freezing of Videopad? CPU, GPU, RAM, Hard drive, etc...? 

I have a complicated project that editing it has turn into an almost complete standstill. Its almost gotten to the point that I have to reset every 5 minutes to continue working on the project. 

I even went so far as installing a dedicated SSD for the Temp files for Videopad. 

Strange thing is task manager does not show anything at 100% 

RAM is maybe 50%, CPU is like 20-30% use, Temp folder have over 100GB free space. I don't know what I could possibly do to make a computer work better with this videopad software. 

If the slowdown is not hardware related, then is it software related?  Software spinning into infinite loops or something? 

Any ideas on how to fix this?  Maybe a suggestion for future updates to the software or can I upgrade my PC to run this better? 


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Before beginning a new project it's wise to click on OPTIONS | DISK tab and Clear Unused Cache Files.  This may help during a session as well.

Long, complex projects benefit greatly from at least 8GB RAM and beefy CPU/GPU and, especially, running the 64-bit version of Videopad.

Install it, and see if performance improves.  For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

Someone here will analyze your project if you take a few minutes to share it.  The process is easy, quick and can be done privately.  Just follow these steps...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.


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  • borate changed the title to What limiting factor in my computer is causing Slowdown and freezing of Videopad?

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