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converting mp3 files to any file that i can play in my car


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please help me out. I have a mac and I converted .mp3 files to .aiff because I think that's the only format that can play in a car stereo. However, once I converted the .mp3s to .aiffs, and burned them onto a cd, my car stereo rejected the cd. Other burned cds that play in my car, are indeed .aiff files. What am I doning wrong? Thank you

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What am I doning wrong? Thank you


Ok, you have a mac therefore you also have iTunes. You can create audio CDs directlry from iTunes w/o converting to an intermediate format. iTunes does all that for you. In fact I am doing it right now as I type this. If you have any questions about how to do this in iTunes, just type "burn CD" in the Q box. The mac will take you from there. :)

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an alternative is converting mp3 to wave, and burning the wave files to cd


chances are you car stereo will only accept "audio cd" files with a .cda extension, and probably can't read aiff files (or wave files) at all, so make sure you burn the cd as "audio" and not "data".

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it worked, thank you


Ok, you have a mac therefore you also have iTunes. You can create audio CDs directlry from iTunes w/o converting to an intermediate format. iTunes does all that for you. In fact I am doing it right now as I type this. If you have any questions about how to do this in iTunes, just type "burn CD" in the Q box. The mac will take you from there. :)
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