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Same Output Dir on MacOSX


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I am using Switch (free version) 1.05 for Mac OSX 10.4.7 on an Intel Duo Core Macbook. I noticed in the future feature forum that I should be able to have the output go directly to the same directory as the input files. "Moderator Note: This feature is already in the software, select the output folder [same as source file]" However I don't see how to do that in my version of Switch. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Otherwise a great app and exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.


update: perhaps I am misunderstanding how this is supposed to work. Of course I can select the same output directory as the input directory. However what I would like to do is to be able to select several folders for input using the "add folder" button. Then as the conversion procedes, each folder's content is converted within the same folder. At least that is how I would like Switch to work.

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its possible that the "[same as source file]" text didn't make it into the output folder listing in Mac Switch, but try to type the exact text "[same as source file]" (without the quotes), and that should work ok.


and your interpretation of how the feature should work is perfectly correct.

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Thanks, that seemed to have worked.


hmmm, I think it would have been simpler if there had been a check select box on the Switch screen under the "Output folder" which when selected disables the Output folder browse folder button.

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