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Document text very blurry


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I am trying to zoom in and scan down a single page.  I took the pdf version, converted it to .jpg to insert in the timeline.  When I zoom in on it to fill the screen with the top half of the page, the text is too blurry to read.   It was scanned in 300 dpi originally.  When I view the .jpg in other image viewing software, I can zoom in and the text is quite clear.   Can anyone suggest why this is happening? 


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The best way to solve this is to let someone here see the document, or submit it to me in a private message via the envelope at the top-right of the VP window.

Upload the file/s to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or in a PM.  When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."

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The doc downloaded from Dropbox successfully.

After zooming the top-half and adding a .25 SHARPEN effect (optional) it looks very similar to what's seen in an image viewer.

Don't go by what is shown in preview, take a look at the exported result.  Check the Personal Message.


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