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Creating an ISO image


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Hello, new to this forum.  Haven't purchased Photostage yet, but downloaded the evaluation copy.  I put just two photos into the slideshow, with transitions.  I want to save it as an ISO image, and it looks like I can do that.  Does it matter how large the ISO file is?  I used to have Photodex's Producer, and I created a slideshow that was nearly 45 Gb, then saved it as an ISO.  I was able to burn the file to a 50 Gb blu-ray disc without an issue.

Can I create such a large ISO with Photostage after I'm done with the slideshow?  Thanks for your advice.

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FWIW, I was playing around Exporting a DVD yesterday. When I pointed to a hard drive, it created an ISO file. I then had to download another utility to burn the ISO to a DVD. Mine was a 4 minute Project that created a 170MB ISO.

When I Exported to a DVD directly on my DVD burner, it created the directory structure and files but was not recognized by a DVD player.

The other consideration is the resolution you want. Myself and at least one other person did not find exporting to DVD doing a very good job. See https://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/31267-dvd-movie-disc-pictures-are-very-grainy/?tab=comments#comment-93644

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