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It says I need to purchase a license after 6 days?


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Im using the trial version.

I went to this page https://secure.nch.com.au/cgi-bin/register.exe?software=scribe

Clicked on EXPRESS SCRIBE BASIC and it brought me to this page https://www.nch.com.au/scribe/index.html

Where i thought the DOWNLOAD NOW button would give me the Basic Free Version as i am only testing it out.

I have read through the site and it says that the Basic Free Version

A) is valid for 14 days until you need to register it

B ) If you do not register it, you can still use it for personal use

C) It will still be able to load .MP3 files


But here is the problem

A) Today on day 6, it tried to load a file and i got I popup saying "We hope you enjoyed your free trial Express Scribe Pro and....."

B ) It will not load anymore files .mp3 or otherwise

C) Its a PRO version. I wanted the BASIC version

D) If i try to DOWNLOAD grade it using the advised method of "Add Remove Programs > Uninstall Express Scribe > Chose DOWNGRADE" There is NO DOWNGRADE selection available.

E) I have downloaded ExpressScribeTranscriptionSoftware.exe as well as essetup.exe from the NCH website and NEITHER of them are the BASIC free version.

F) Most importantly THIS IS ONLY 6 DAYS OLD. Why am i seeing a TRIAL PERIOD HAS ENDED message?

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