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Imported FX sequence not the same in exported video as in video preview. (Resolved)


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Hi all

I need help again.

I have downloaded a FX file of a "portal" which is a series of png files that I have loaded into VP as a series of images that I have then loaded into a sequence.  When I run the sequence in VP preview it works correctly. When I export the VP file as a MP4 file and play it back the imported FX fully covers the background as a black screen, whereas in the preview only the portal is visible. In the FX box for the sequence the background is transparent.

I am using VP version 8.71



The backed up VP file and the mp4 file are above.

Can anyone help with this please.

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Can't replicate your description, using mp4 1080 export.  Look here.  Explain what you mean by "In the FX box for the sequence the background is transparent?"

Perhaps the PC isn't keeping up.  Clear VP Cache Files upon starting the program, then load your project and try export once again.

If no go, try an AVI format export.  Or export the Grey Portal sequence as an mp4 and in the Main Shoot sequence substitute this composite clip.

Upgrade video driver and Direct-X if necessary...  https://www.nch.com.au/kb/10265.html

You might also get a smoother 'landing' by hiding the small Flying Clip track on the Main Shoot sequence and slightly extending the From Portal to Ground clip.

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Hi @borate

What you have shown me in "look Here" is exactly what I am trying to achieve and what I see in preview but not what I see in the exported version.

"In the FX box for the sequence the background is transparent?"

When I click on the FX button on the Grey portal clip and the FX dialogue box opens I can see the portal opening and closing by moving the red slider/cursor position. The background in the clip preview screen is a checker board patten of light and darker grey squares, as it is when I have applied a transparency mask and unchecked the " mask inside box" for other FX clips. I am not trying to apply any FX's to the portal clip I am just looking.

From your suggestions with my last export problem my PC's drivers are fully up to date as is the version of Windows 10 that I am using.

Did you look at and play the top clip of the two above. it shows exactly what I am getting on export?

I have tried exporting mp4 1080 and am still getting a black screen while the portal is clip is running.

Exporting the Grey Portal clip as mp4 and using the mp4 file in the main sequence did not work. The background on the exported clip is black whereas the background on the png files I downloaded are clear. If you look at them in  the images bin you can see the checker board behind them.

Regards Dave

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In the Main Shoot sequence, double-clicking the grey portal clip confirms that the Grey Portal sequence clips are transparent.  No effects have been applied.


Not seeing the black screen in your example, linked above.

In the export dialog, click the Default Quality/Filesize link.  In the Lossless  Export field, instead of Auto choose Re-encode.

Try adding green screen to the Main Shoot grey portal clip. Or to the mp4 export.  Key on black with the threshold at 1 or so.  In the Based On field click AUTO and choose Color + Brightness.

The result duplicated the earlier output but that may be because the effect was already transparent without chromakey...

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Hi @borate

I tried the different export setting as you advised and it did not change the outcome.

I haven't tried the green screen yet, I have to learn that process first, but I am confused that you say you can not see the black screen during the video playback.

When I open the top link to Google drive and play the clip without downloading it the black screen is definitely there.

I have done three screen shots which you can see in this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VElYYjz9X5-F-EmwWpIOPWhS4G8-IofH/view?usp=sharing

Regards Dave


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Before I do, and I will try the release, is it going to take me back to 8.65 which will then keep crashing and inviting me to download the new version 8.71 with it's own exe file which when run only installs 8.65. Ground hog day. Do you feel like a HCH lab rat?

Thank you for your patience and tenacity.

Regards Dave

PS He He 8.63 what a good guess.

Actually what I will do is continue with 8.71 until I have finished working on the project because it is more stable than 8.63 then if a new version has not been produced I will use 8.63 to export the file.

Again Thank you for your invaluable help.

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No crashes experienced here with v8.63;  it's been stable.  The link above should install only that version.  Ignore any virus prompts.

The effect also exports correctly in v8.77 if the mp4 composite, green-screened, is substituted in the Main Shoot sequence as outlined earlier.

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  • DIYMan changed the title to Imported FX sequence not the same in exported video as in video preview. (Resolved)

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