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No Picture During Capture


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I've just purchased VideoPad, so I'm a very new user. I'm trying to transfer video from my old Sony DV camcorder. The audio plays during the capture process, but there's no picture. Is this normal behaviour and, if not, what do I need to do to correct it?


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Is this the procedure that you are following?

Capturing your video using VideoPad is a simple process.

  1. Connect your camera to your computer
  2. Open VideoPad
  3. Click the Record button on the Home tab toolbar
  4. In the Capture Video window that opens, click the record button
  5. When you are finished, click the stop button
  6. Click the Close button at the bottom of the window

Your new video will be automatically added to the SAVE TO folder that you specified.

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Yes, after capture the saved file contains both video & audio, but it's very frustrating not being able to see the video while it's being captured. I'd be very grateful for any guidance on how to fix this.


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No way to test this here, but a few suggestions...

Right-click in the preview window and try other resolutions - perhaps lower.

Update the video driver and Direct-X

AMD / ATI users: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
Intel users: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/default.aspx
nVidia users: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
Update DirectX: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/179113
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Many thanks for your continued assistance with this.

All software & drivers are fully up to date, and right-click doesn't work in the preview window.

I thought I'd found another possible answer - on YouTube there's a video about fixing problems with 1394 Host Controllers (Firewire), which is what I'm using to connect my camcorder. Microsoft have published a more recent driver than the one Windows installs by default, but I've now installed this and it hasn't fixed the problem.

I've also run into another problem. In my tests so far, I've only been capturing a minute or two of video, which worked OK apart from there being no preview during capture. I've now tried capturing larger amounts of video, but the capture process consistently freezes after several minutes, so it appears my problems run deeper than just the absence of a preview picture.

Out of interest, I installed an old version of Ulead VideoStudio that I purchased several years ago. It captures video from my camcorder without any problem, including preview while capturing. I'm not sure if it captures the same quality as VideoPad - I've not yet done a detailed comparison - but I just wanted to test if another product could capture OK on my computer.

Something else I've noticed - Windows Device Manager and Ulead VideoStudio both correctly identify my camcorder as 'Sony DV Camcorder', whereas VideoPad identifies it as 'Microsoft DV Camera and VCR'. Is this of any significance? Also, in the capture window, the Device Settings, Device Ports and Encoder Settings buttons are greyed-out and do not function.


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