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Audio drags together with current image, when I change its duration. How to stop it?


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Hi. An amazing and bright day to you.


I purchased your software today and it's awesome, but I have one inconvenience.


1. I placed my audio track (2,5 hours) on a timeline.

2. Dragged images (>300) on a timeline.


When I increase duration of any image (drag to the right), audio drags together with image to the right. How to stop that? So that audio was always at its fixed place.

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Not able to replicate that here. If the audio and video are somehow linked right-click the audio track and UNlink.


I laid down a ten-second music bed, then added pictures to the video track. The audio track remained static when video out points of any clip were dragged to the right, even if total video extended beyond the audio.

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