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How can I remove the black space automatically created by VideoPad?


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I'm noticing that VideoPad (4.11) automatically and randomly adds black space at the end of most clips, I've already zoomed into the timeline and move the clips many times, exported multiple times and still can't prevent it happens. The black spaces are really eye catching...


Tried the solutions from various posts already but still...Really drives me mad. How can I effectively remove/prevent all the black spaces?

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Gap between clips on the same track are automatically closed by dragging clips around (unless Alt is held). While moving a clip on a track, its boundary (begin/end) will also snaps to the clips boundary on the other track. Dragging the clips around will very unlikely to have gaps.


Are the back space visible in sequence preview or only in exported videos? Could you post a screen shot here let us see how you arrange your project?


Best Regards,

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Thank you for your reply, I just zoom into the sequence, click to highlight and move the clips one by one, also adjust their begins and ends to nearest 1/100 second (eg. 10.020 - 12.030 rather than 10.024 - 12.038 etc.) I saw this in one of the post, but black spaces still occur.


At the beginning the black spaces are visible in sequence preview and exported videos, later I tried to round up the boundaries like above, sequence preview showed no problem but when I export it, spaces were still here:(



Gap between clips on the same track are automatically closed by dragging clips around (unless Alt is held). While moving a clip on a track, its boundary (begin/end) will also snaps to the clips boundary on the other track. Dragging the clips around will very unlikely to have gaps.


Are the back space visible in sequence preview or only in exported videos? Could you post a screen shot here let us see how you arrange your project?


Best Regards,

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I've looked into your project and found many very short clips (just few millisecond) in some gaps. Those clips are shorter then a video frame so they can cause flickering while playback.


The tiny clips are probably created by dragging the red cursor around and inserting clips and the cursor position. This issue has been discussed here: http://nch.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/21761-shortened-transitions/#entry49997


To avoid this problem please use Go to previous/next clip edges buttons to place red cursor exactly to where the cut is. You can also easily see those tiny clips in storyboard mode.

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Seems that I can't locate the tiny clips in both mode through Go to previous/next clip edges buttons, I am wondering if it is my computer's problem...however I've extended the clips end/beginning to 0.001-3 more which find black spaces from the exported video, but it still not working:(


I haven't faced this problem in v2.47 before, is it probably a bug of 4.11?




I've looked into your project and found many very short clips (just few millisecond) in some gaps. Those clips are shorter then a video frame so they can cause flickering while playback.


The tiny clips are probably created by dragging the red cursor around and inserting clips and the cursor position. This issue has been discussed here: http://nch.invisionz...ons/#entry49997


To avoid this problem please use Go to previous/next clip edges buttons to place red cursor exactly to where the cut is. You can also easily see those tiny clips in storyboard mode.

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I've looked at your project again more closely and found the flickering were actually caused by anther problem.


Yes, it seems like there is a bug which caused flickering at the end of speed changed clips.


We are working on fixing it now.


Thank you for reporting the bug.

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Thank you for your attention.


I think the flickering were not just at the end of speed changed clips but other 'normal' unchanged clips as well.


I've looked at your project again more closely and found the flickering were actually caused by anther problem.


Yes, it seems like there is a bug which caused flickering at the end of speed changed clips.


We are working on fixing it now.


Thank you for reporting the bug.

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