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Newb here;accepted/still need help!


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Hi, I am posting here in the hope I can avoid bothering tech support. I first bought and used Vid-pad about a year ago.I had not used it for many months, and when I tried to use it recently I could not because I had swapped HD from my old computer to a new one. I contacted support and was given an updated reg. code that unlocked the program. The problem I am having now is that when I try to add images to a project it shows only black in preview and timeline? It has been many months since I used vid-pad,but don't think I am using it wrong. Help!

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If you have images (e.g. jpegs) showing OK in your media list (as thumbnails) and you are dragging and dropping them onto the video track and they are appearing there as thumbnails as well (or clicking them and adding them as per the prompt), then you aren't doing anything wrong.

If they aren't in the left preview window when you click them to select or they don't appear in the right hand pane when the sequence cursor is dragged onto them and they don't appear when the sequence is played......then there is something wrong.

I would suggest you reload the software again and see if that makes any difference. What version are you using?



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