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deletion of files

daniel mathews

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This is an e mail I sent to nch@nch.com.au, but it says it will not be answered, does anyone else have any other contact details i could try, or have a solution to the problem??



I purchased, downloaded and used wavepad, mixpad and switch software on this computer. Unfortunately, while I was on holiday, my parents had to clear the hard drive of all programs- in order to fix a problem with the computer. They didn't back up my music software, and so it has been deleted.


Please may I download the software again- as I have already paid for, and used, the above programs?


To prove my payment, I will give you my contact details and information, which I'm sure you can find on your systems- to see that I have purchased these products:


[deleted for publishing on forum]





[Home telephone]


Please reply by telephone or e mail, to confirm receipt of this e mail, and to arrange a course of action, or to ask for further proof of payment.


Much appreciated,


Daniel Mathews

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  • 1 month later...
This is an e mail I sent to nch@nch.com.au, but it says it will not be answered, does anyone else have any other contact details i could try, or have a solution to the problem??



I purchased, downloaded and used wavepad, mixpad and switch software on this computer. Unfortunately, while I was on holiday, my parents had to clear the hard drive of all programs- in order to fix a problem with the computer. They didn't back up my music software, and so it has been deleted.


Please may I download the software again- as I have already paid for, and used, the above programs?


To prove my payment, I will give you my contact details and information, which I'm sure you can find on your systems- to see that I have purchased these products:


[deleted for publishing on forum]





[Home telephone]


Please reply by telephone or e mail, to confirm receipt of this e mail, and to arrange a course of action, or to ask for further proof of payment.


Much appreciated,


Daniel Mathews


Oh WOW!!!!


Well that just goes to show how darn near anything that can go wrong will go wrong when you least expect it.


You may have better luck sending a letter....


Perhaps my comment will get a senior nhc person to look into this futher.


Til then, I'd revisit the site and try to find an email link, and ask them to


look into it or at least give you the correct email to address the issue.


hope this helps http://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html



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Guest nchaj

Hey Daniel,

I will PM you on this, that email address is not active, I think there may be old references lying around in help files or such. Always go through the contact support options on the product pages.

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