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A firm NO vote for WavePad


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I downloaded the "free" version of WavePad. I had a specific problem during installation of not being to able to connect an input source to the software. I have written on three different occasions requesting help concerning that issue in these forums. I did not expect NCH to provide free technical support for me. It may be a prudent presale action, but that is not the purpose of these forums. However I did not receive a single hint or suggestion from anyone, either from NCH or any members of these forums. It makes me think about the preparedness of the other member though, when my postings were viewed over 300 times, and not a single reply was posted by members either.


Today my trial period for WavePad has expired, and the application urges me to purchase and activate the program. I am not accusing NCH with anything, I let them to chose the word they prefer to use to describe their conduct. I would call myself a fool if after this experience I would purchase this software. But I am not calling with names myself either. What I am doing is removing WavePad from my computer, and disregarding any offer (free or otherwise) from NCH in the future. I suggest you do the same. Best regards!

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I downloaded the "free" version of WavePad. I had a specific problem during installation of not being to able to connect an input source to the software. I have written on three different occasions requesting help concerning that issue in these forums. I did not expect NCH to provide free technical support for me. It may be a prudent presale action, but that is not the purpose of these forums. However I did not receive a single hint or suggestion from anyone, either from NCH or any members of these forums. It makes me think about the preparedness of the other member though, when my postings were viewed over 300 times, and not a single reply was posted by members either.


Today my trial period for WavePad has expired, and the application urges me to purchase and activate the program. I am not accusing NCH with anything, I let them to chose the word they prefer to use to describe their conduct. I would call myself a fool if after this experience I would purchase this software. But I am not calling with names myself either. What I am doing is removing WavePad from my computer, and disregarding any offer (free or otherwise) from NCH in the future. I suggest you do the same. Best regards!


Would you care to speculate upon the percentage of legitimate technical questions posted in this forum which is answered (correctly, promptly, and with clarity) by the readers of these questions?


How does your current guess compare with your assumption at the time that you downloaded the "free" software?


Actually, you got more than you paid for, albeit less than the full-featured set of the licensed version of the software. It is naive to believe that answers to technical questions about sound editing software are going to come from those, like yourself, who are seeking answers to such questions! The large majority of those who use this forum are seeking answers to their questions, rather than seeking to answer questions posed by others. This is inevitably the case, given the technical nature of sound editing software.


A software purchase (which may include the support that is necessary to educate novice users) is a zero-sum game. Apparently you did not understand this when you downloaded the "free" version of WavePad. Unfortunately, this is (sigh) the way that things work.




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Guest MichaelJee



I suggest you learn how to use a forum. At the top of every section is THIS stating how we see the forum.

If you'd contacted us, and created a helpdesk ticket, you would have been answered, for free.. along with all the other pre sales customers with questions.

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