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Cannot Check File Types


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Hi there,


I've been using Express Scribe for about 10 years - love it...UNTIL...the new version will not allow me to choose mp3 to automatically load in Express Scribe - I go to Settings - File Types - check the MP3 box, and lo and behold it will not save this setting! It's like it remains permanently unchecked.


I've gone into Vista and put Express Scribe as the default program to play MP3s as well, but that doesn't help. The older version of ES works fine with Vista, but this newer version does not. Is there a link to the old ES version? Can someone please send it to me??



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the new version will not allow me to choose mp3 to automatically load in Express Scribe - I go to Settings - File Types - check the MP3 box, and lo and behold it will not save this setting! It's like it remains permanently unchecked.


I've gone into Vista and put Express Scribe as the default program to play MP3s as well, but that doesn't help. The older version of ES works fine with Vista, but this newer version does not.

Is the version of Scribe you just installed v4.28?


What was the version number of the old version of Scribe?


Did you uninstall the old version of Scribe before you installed the new one, or install over the top?


Does the same thing happen for other file types, or just MP3?


Is your Vista user account a "Standard user" or "Administrator"? (You can check in Vista's Control Panel.)

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