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  1. I've tried nearly every example and I end up with some skewed video or no change at all. I have a video that is much taller than needed and the video is centered in the form. I don't know the dimensions and I have not seen how to get them. Like the other person, I want to crop and save ONLY the crop portion and I do NOT know the dimensions. I'm a noob here, ok? So how do I do that? In Paint.Net I can see the image size and automatically resize to crop. I see no such feature here so how in blazes to I accomplish the same task? -0- I figured it out. I had to zoom it then place it on the video track. I didn't realize that the crop was on the preview only and what's on the track is what gets saved. Then exported it in a 720p using Zoom and the app handled the ratio itself. I suppose I could have selected 1080 HP, but I wanted to upload the video and 720p is a smaller... anyway, that worked.
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