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Everything posted by RichardBenson

  1. Sorry for the mistake. In case it's of interest to anyone, I think there's something weird about the clip. I tried to resolve the issue by deleting it, then retrimming the original footage to the exact length I wanted, then placing at the exact point needed on the sequence. The clip that actually appears is the original clip, with the footage that was cut out somehow reinstated. I realise this sounds like I've made a mistake but Im pretty sure Im right because I actually tried this a couple of weeks before, and the same thing happened, but that time I just assumed I was in error.
  2. OK thank you. I'll try those options. In case it's of interest: this final clip, which I need to match very specifically to the audio, has been problematic for the 3/4 weeks I've been tinkering with this, and sometimes seems has moved seemingly of its own accord - in reality, I imagine, in connection with other moves and trims on other clips. I've tried deleting and re-adding, even remaking the original, so I assume it's an issue in VideoPad rather than in the clip, if you see what I mean. I'd like to add that it's very refreshing to have an engineer simply say that there are inconsistencies in the software, and they need workarounds, cheers!
  3. I have sent the folder to you directly. Thank you.
  4. Thank you. Re the snap function, I just meant this: "When either end of the clip being dragged is near either end of another clip, or the start or end of the sequence, it will "snap" to that position. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to temporarily disable this behavior." In my case I need to disable the SNAP and holding down the Shift key has no effect. I do take your point about experimentation. What's frustrating is that what I'm trying to do seems so basic. I will share the project, but just to explain: 1 My whole video is 3mins 20 seconds long. 2 I have a 37s clip sitting with its start point at 2.28. 3 At 2.25 there is the end of blank clip, then three "empty" seconds 4 I want to drag the 37s clip 3 seconds right, ie towards the end of the video. When i try it just snaps back. I have sent the folder to you directly. Thank you.
  5. PS The instructions say that holding down shift when you drag should eliminate SNAP. Is that wrong?
  6. Thank you for your reply. My impression so far is that the major flaw in the software isn't the time it takes to understand it, nor the random versions. It's that the same action works differently on different clips in the timeline. It means you can't really "learn", because every action is essentially a leap in the dark - maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. In this case, yes, using alt worked when moving one clip , but not another. I do like the software, but this feels like madness. PS The instructions say that holding down shift when you drag should eliminate SNAP. Is that wrong?
  7. I also get the "Not enough material for overlapping transition" message every time I try to add a crossfade transition, and if you don't mind me saying, I find the explanation above unclear. I understand that the problem is "how much content is available at the join - where the transition is to be." But who or what determines the amount of content available at the join, if it is not dependent on the length of the clips? Do this mean that to avoid a prompt, all clips in the sequence need to be shorter than their original forms in the bin?
  8. I purchased VideoPad a week ago, and am really struggling with some of what seem the most basic tasks. As VideoPad support hasn't replied to my requests for help I'm trying my luck here. My most pressing problem is that when I try to drag clips on the sequence, they often - not always - snap back to where they were. This is irrespective of whether I hold down the Shift key. To give a specific example, in the video I'm trying to learn with, I have multiple clips, all in Track 1, at various points on the sequence. I'm working in Timeline mode (in Storyboard, the clip being moved disappears altogether). I want to move a clip three seconds earlier. There are no other clips in its way, so it looks like a simple slide along. However, when I release the mouse, the clip always just springs back to its original position. I must be doing something wrong, but can't find anyone with the same problem online or in this forum. I have to say I'm very disappointed with the software and service so far, but want to persevere.
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