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Everything posted by EtoDem

  1. Hi I understand your point of view but I don't want to upscale or black bands If my video is 1920x1080 and I crop 25% 25% 25% 25% I want a video half the width and half the height so 960x540. If I crop off some margin I want a smaller picture size video It's possible to obtain that? At the moment If I process a 1080x1920 video applying texts and cropping details I force VideoPad to produce a 1080x1920 video (with stratch, hoping he doesn't do anything since the geometry is identical) and then I crop the resulting video with AviDemux. And it's crazy because every additional processing cause a decode and a reencoding with loss of details. Thank you Matteo
  2. Hi I'm using VideoPad 7.34 I found many post on this forum abount cropping issues, black bands and so on but I have not found a solution. My purpose is very simple: I want to crop a video (applying a crop rectangle static filter) and then export the video with that new size. I don't want to upscale, downscale, zoom, scretch to aspect, adapt to 16:9 or optimazing it for youtube. When I apply a crop filter the "Auto match content" feature always detect the original size and not the new cropped size. It's possible to reach this goal without use another processing tool? Thank you Matteo
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