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  1. When I installed Vista back in April, I started having trouble with WavePad. I would open a wav file, do some editing and save as mp3. For certain files, it would not save. (It's been too long, and I can no longer remember exactly what happened.) Other wav files worked OK, but if a given file failed, it would fail every time. It would still work for all files under XP, but I need to move my last computer to Vista, so that didn't help. I sent an e-mail and I believe I posted, but nobody responded. I was still evaluating WavePad, so I decided not to buy it. I still need a program like WavePad, so today I'm checking back to see if the problem is solved. I have version 3.05, but I can't find what version is current, so I don't know if the problem is fixed. I would do lots of testing before purchasing WavePad for use with Vista. I also had the help problem mentioned above, but that is pretty minor. (Still, it's disappointing that they don't address it.)
  2. I also observed RecordPad starting automatically, but it was starting when I started Windows. Not only that, it automatically began recording. When I discovered it, there we a number of very large recorded files -- one for every time I rebooted Windows. Furthermore, when I went in and unchecked the box asking it to start automatically, it would appear to be off, but if I went right back in, it would be checked again. I was able to solve the problem, but at the moment I don't remember how. I am running Vista, so maybe that has something to do with it.
  3. I am trying to edit .wav files from a voice recorder. Most of the time it works fine, but about every fifth file, WavePad gives a runtime error and the message "This applicaon has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information." This occurs when I try to opent he file, before I can work with it. It appears to be nearly done loading. The files that have this problem can be played in Media Player and edited with WaveLab Lite, so it appears that the files themselves are OK. Can you help me make this work?
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