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Everything posted by BoiseNative

  1. Thanks guys! I didn't think to check the Dropdown list in the Scale Effect to change it from Default. So, zoom in and zoom out are getting me closer to what I'm looking for, but just zooming in and out would make for a nasea-inducing production. With the version 2.xx software, you could specify your starting and ending shots to create diagonal movement while zooming in and out. I can kind of get this by also adding a Position effect with Scaling in version 3.xx, but man it's so much more work. Why...why...why would they change something that was so elegant and simple to use? It looks like their PhotoStage software still has this zoom feature, so I'm going to try to do my still image editing there, export the file, then bring it into my video. What a pain this is turning out to be! -Eric
  2. So Nat, did you figure out how to smooth things out when using the crop effect? I'm using v3.29 and still see this border jittering in and out. It seems just as bad in the render video as with the preview. How do we get a smooth "Ken Burns" effect with version 3.xx without the nice "Zoom" effect of v2.41?
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