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Everything posted by cpedley

  1. Barbara First: If you love cats you cannot be mad! You are actually more sane than dog owners! Second: the email usually runs through your email provider. I am using Zoho biz email (which is free and faster than gmail business. I just go to mail.zoho.com/biz Then login and check my Sent folder. The only exception may be if you changed a preference to send Direct (to other side) under Options /Other / Email settings. Now if you can help me find where I can write a check, (or cheque), we will both be smarter! -cpedley.com
  2. So what Menu Item are talking about MCGCS? Are you talking about the Options on the status line (menu line?_ There is an "other" to get into Express Accounts but the "Other" has NO advanced choice. Now what?
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