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  1. Hi Nat, Can I ask you a related question? I have version 2.41. About your instructions below, when I right click in the grey box in overlay sequence line(the box with green +) no menu opens...nothing happens. I noticed that the grey box does not show my text. Am I misunderstanding your instructions? I'm working with a file that was already saved as a movie. Is the movie not editable? Thanks, Jeff If it is a clip against which you have added text as an overlay i.e. credits, and it is the text that you want to remove then do this...... The Overlay sequence line will contain a grey box with some of your text showing in it. The overlay is independant of your video clip by the way..unless you have linked it) To remove the overlay and so the text, right click the box and then select "Delete selected Overlay(s) Delete" from the small menu that appears. Your overlay text will be removed.The clip against which the text formerly appeared will remain. If it is a matter of just correcting your text then right click the overlay box and correct your text in the area below the left hand preview window.You can type directly into this.
  2. Ah, we filed a feedback notice that we were having troubles and got a response that the version had bugs and there was a version 2.41. We downloaded it and re-installed it, and it looks like that added the Subtitles button and a couple of other functions we couldn't find. So hopefully that will cover it. Thanks, it was helpful just to have someone to say what version we should be up to.
  3. It says it is version 2.09 I can't imagine why it seems so out of date, we ordered it through the mail and installed it just in the last couple of weeks here.
  4. So I'm trying to add subtitles to a video, and can't find a way to do it. I look up the tutorials on line and they say to simply hit the subtitles button on the toolbar, but it isn't there. I've found listings and images suggesting that there should be a "Subtitles" button on the toolbar between "Narrate" and "Preview" but it just isn't there. Is there a simple way to add this to the toolbar? Or another way to acces the subtitles dialoge box?
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