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Everything posted by saxman

  1. I am having minor problems after I record a cd with wavepad, and was wondering if anyone has experienced the same. The finished cd will not work in some players, or in many cases will play but will not allow me to manually skip from one song to another. Also many times the cd will endlessly repeat the last 3 or 4 seconds of the final song until ejected. I am aware that by it's very nature a cd-rw will cause occasional problems with some players, but these are fairly high end cd-r discs, and I am at a loss. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. saxman

    CD burn problems

    Okay, I got it figured out. I just realized that Express Burn finalizes the CD after a recording, whether you burn one song or ten, making it unusable for any further recording. So never mind. (Duh, I used to have common sense, but I lost it in crap game.)
  3. I am recording music from my Yamaha minidisc to my computer via the sound card, using Wavepad and the quickburn companion program to burn to CD. My problem is that after burning one song (of average length) to a standard blank CD, I cannot add anything more onto that CD. It reacts as though the CD is full and will not accept any further recording. Is this a simple CD speed/compatibility issue, or am I missing something? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.
  4. I am inclined to agree wth you about contacting tech help. I purchased a support package as well, and have not had any reply to my inquiry for close to a week. I can appreciate the fact that they are busy with large volumes of e-mail, but the auto response stating "someone will respond within 24 hours" and then not getting any acknowledgment kind of makes you wonder if your message was received at all. Oh well, I guess we can hope that being that busy would suggest a quality product.
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