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How can I edit the volume of the original before pasting?


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Suppose I have copied a segment of sound from a file (say, a 2-second note from a trumpet). Now, I want to paste it into another file, but I want the volume to increase from 30% to 110% of the original volume. How can I do that?


Or consider a little trickier paste. I want the volume to start out slowly (from 0% of the starting volume) and then quickly rise (to 100% of the ending volume) - something like the interest on my credit card increases over time!

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I'd make a duplicate copy of the recording, and use that to experiment with, then;


then reduce the volume to 25%


Then copy the part you want amplified to a file by itself


highlight part of the file like 33% of it raise the volume 130%


then highlight and raise the volume on the next third to 140%


then highlight and raise the volume on the last third to 190%


those are just suggested percentages try it, play it back, and readjust as necessary til it sounds right


then copy and paste into the final file

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Will do, and that'll work. But if I make two few volume changes, you'll be able to hear the intermediate steps. And if I make too many volume changes, it requires a lot of time and experimenting.


Perhaps a later version should allow changes in volume automatically over time (as well as pitch, pan, equalizing, and a whole slew of of other options)

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