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Time settings at the bottom of ES


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Hi, I am new on this forum but not new to ES. I have been using it for about 6 months. Usually the transcription that I receive (various formats) are the entire file. However, occasionally I do receive a file and the company sends me the entire file and says start at thus and so and do 30 minutes. The problem is trying to figure out where on the tape to start. Now I know that I am math challenged but I am really struggling with this part of the ES program.


I went into settings up at the top and there were two choices under Time Display, audio time or recording time. Now I am talking about at the bottom just opposite Volume and it gives me a time of 2:20:00, for example. However up above under the time duration it says 140 minutes. So my boss says start at 110 and finish to the end. However, if I do this I am doing 70 minutes or more of transcription that I will not get paid for. I realize the time switches over to 1:..... after 59 but I am just wondering if there is someway to change the bottom time setting to match the setting that is up at the top under time duration.


Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



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